E2 (Estradiol)
Understanding E2 (Estradiol)
What is E2 (Estradiol)?
An estradiol test measures the amount of the hormone estradiol in your blood. Estradiol is primarily a female sex hormone which is produced by the ovaries, breasts, and adrenal glands. Doctors may order an estradiol test in relation to a person’s fertility, puberty and menopause in females. During their reproductive years, women usually have their highest levels of estradiol. This hormone is considered to be one of the best markers for ovarian function.
An estradiol test alone cannot diagnose a specific disease. If the test results show low or high levels of estradiol, a doctor may recommend further tests to help pinpoint a diagnosis.
What is E2 (Estradiol) used for?
To diagnose hypogonadism (production of fewer sex hormones) in females
To evaluate the cause of oligomenorrhea (infrequent menstruation) and irregular menstruation in females
To evaluate the cause of feminization in males like gynecomastia (enlarged breasts)
To evaluate the cause of precocious (early) and delayed puberty in females
To evaluate the symptoms of menopause like abnormal vaginal bleeding
To monitor follicle development in case of infertility in women
To monitor treatment in case of hormone replacement therapy taken by women after menopause
To evaluate the lack of secondary sexual features, lack of muscle mass, delayed puberty in males
Interpreting E2 (Estradiol) results
High levels of Estradiol may indicate:
Puberty before time (precocious puberty) in girls
Ovarian tumors in females
Tumors of adrenal glands in men and women
Gynecomastia (enlarged breasts) in men
Testicular tumors
Delayed puberty in males
Hyperthyroidism in men and women
Cirrhosis in men and women
Low levels of Estradiol may indicate:
Hypogonadism in females (the abnormal function of ovaries)
Following menopause
Conditions in which female sexual characteristics are underdeveloped like Turner’s Syndrome