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Measles (Rubeola) Antibody IgM near me in Nagpur
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Understanding Measles (Rubeola) Antibody IgM in Nagpur
What is Measles (Rubeola) Antibody IgM in Nagpur?
Measles is caused by the rubeola virus, which is highly contagious. After individuals cough or sneeze, it spreads through the air in droplets after people cough or sneeze. If you haven't been vaccinated against measles and have been exposed to the disease or virus, a blood test is required to check for a measles-specific IgM antibody.
Suppose the Measles (rubeola) antibody IgM is found. In that case, you may not notice symptoms for up to two weeks since it has an incubation period of 8 to 12 days, followed by a high fever, cough, inflammation of the mucous membrane, conjunctivitis, and general discomfort. After this, a rash may start to form behind the ears and on the forehead, spreading further.
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