Alpha Feto Protein, Tumour Marker
Understanding Alpha Feto Protein, Tumour Marker
What is Alpha Feto Protein, Tumour Marker?
An Alpha Feto Protein (AFP), Tumor marker is used to measure the levels of AFP in blood. Tumor markers help detect and diagnose cancers of the liver, testicles, and ovaries. These substances are made by cancer cells or by normal cells in response to cancer in the body. AFP is a protein made in the liver of a developing baby. The levels of AFP decline with age and adults should ideally have very low level of AFP.
Elevated levels in adults may sometimes indicate cancers of stomach, colon, lung, and breast. If AFP levels do not significantly decrease after cancer treatment, this may indicate presence of some of the tumor tissue. If the levels begin to increase after cancer treatment, then it is likely that the cancer may be recurring.
What is Alpha Feto Protein, Tumour Marker used for?
The alpha-fetoprotein tumor marker is done:
In case cancers of the liver, testicles, or ovaries are suspected
At intervals during and after treatment for any of these cancers
In the case of cancer-predisposing diseases such as chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis
To monitor the patients for cancer recurrence
Interpreting Alpha Feto Protein, Tumour Marker results
AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein), Tumor marker, Serum < 10.00 ng/mL
Reference range may vary from lab to lab*